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Position Details
Reference No.
Risk Administrator VAC-18974N
Employment Type
Full Time
Available Positions
Posted On:
Contact Details
StaffMatters Recruitment Specialists
Contact Person
Administration Team
Corner Anexartesias & Kyriakou Matsi Streets, Limassol Roussos Tower, Office 4B, 4th Floor
Job Description

Our client is one of the leading FX Trading companies that have been in operation for over 10 years globally with a number of offices worldwide and a team of around 50 staff here in Limassol and they are looking for a Risk Administrator to join their team.

In charge of analyzing client’s behavior and identifying high risk activity in our financial systems
Run the prevention of money laundering protocols
Develop and operate our risk management protocol, communicate with our banking and processing partners in an effort to reduce the company’s risk of exposure to fraud (unauthorized use of cards/accounts, money laundering)
Develop and operate our risk management protocol with other interfaces and company’s departments
Operate our chargeback registration and reporting system
Generate weekly and monthly report to the risk manager involving damage control and exposures
Approve and monitor large withdrawal requests according to the service level agreements provided by the Operations Department
Identify 3rd party payments and handle them according to the company’s policy

Experience in back office administration/accounting
Good knowledge of Excel and other Microsoft Office tools
English at mother tongue level
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Detail oriented and focused
Capacity to work under pressure and with strict deadlines
Strong sense of professionalism, organizational and analytical skills
Relevant academic degree
Statistical analyses experience
Previous experience in risk analysis

Working hours:
Monday – Friday: 2 weeks per month from 8am- 5pm and 2 weeks per month from 12pm- 8pm