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Position Details
Reference No.
Procurement Officer (Shipping Company) - Limassol
Employment Type
Full Time
Available Positions
Posted On:
Contact Details
Contact Person
Annie Papadopoulou
75 Arch. Makarios III Ave, 3067 Limassol
25 028580
Job Description

Advance Career, on behalf of our client, a well established ship management and ship owning  organization, seeks to recruit a Procurement officer:

Render procurement services to the fleet team in which the procurement officer is embedded. Close cooperation with the superintendents.
Process the procurement requisitions from the vessels, taking into account the procurement policy of the company and the advices from superintendents.
Continuously strive to optimise the procurement processes in order to come to the best price/quality ratio of goods/services purchased.
Thereby contributing to the annual vessel budget and reduce the administrative costs involved in ordering the goods/services.
Close cooperation with the logistics team to ensure shipment of spares, stores and consumable in timely manner.
Manage the shipment of ship mails.
Within the given authority levels, check and approve invoices and settle claims/ disputes with suppliers.
Rate suppliers basis price / performance criteria.
Support of Reporting for Third Party Owners.
Other tasks may be given as deemed necessary by the superior.

Required Qualifications

Sound understanding of procurement and logistics processes.
2-3 years of working experience at a ship managing company or at one of the company’s current suppliers.
Excellent command of spoken and written English.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Confidence when dealing with people often in difficult circumstances.
Proficient in Microsoft Office applications. Experience in using PMS software solutions.

Other Requirements

An attractive remuneration package will be offered to the successful candidate.