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Position Details
Reference No.
Employment Type
Full Time
Available Positions
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Contact Details
Toplabel Investments
Contact Person
HR Department
Andrea Zappa, Potamos Germasoyia,Honey Court Building, Ground Floor, Limassol 4040.
Job Description

The Copywriter will be responsible for brainstorming, creating, and transforming ideas into engaging copy for email, web pages, landing pages, blog posts, text and banner ads, print articles, outdoor advertisements, brochures and leaflets. The Copywriter will also interact and develop the copy for a range of media such as eBooks, webinar scripts, infographic planning and video scripts.

The main tasks of the Copywriter will include:

●      Working alongside the CMO to produce the Group’s Content Strategy as well as brainstorm new content ideas.

●      The ability to write clear, original and persuasive copy that sparks interest and sells the Company’s products and services.

●      The understanding of what makes products appealing to the Company’s consumers; taking that understanding and converting it into engaging copy.

●      The production of unique and engaging copy that can be used for all the Company’s effective advertising and email campaigns.

●      Overseeing all content campaigns from start to finish.

●      Working within tight deadlines and ensuring all tasks are completed by the necessary deadlines.

●      The A/B testing and monitoring of advertising and email campaigns, as well as making necessary changes to the content without being prompted to do so.

●      Researching the Company’s competitors and staying up-to-date with the latest market trends.

●      Creating daily posts for all the Company’s social networks.

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