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Position Details
Reference No.
Customer Support Manager
450 - € 900
Employment Type
Full Time
Available Positions
Posted On:
Contact Details
Nekki Limited
Contact Person
28th October Street, Limassol
Job Description

  We are looking for people who has experience in development of mobile applications. You must be organized, self-motivated, and must have pixel level attention-to-detail. Nekki Limited is a fast growing mobile development company and we are looking for people who thrive in a creative workspace and are analytical, resourceful, responsible and self-motivated, and passionate about games and technology.


- Communication with users by email and through other means of services on technical issues,

- timely response to messages received through the feedback form on the site; 

- Create templates for solving common problems with the development team; 

- Moderation of project groups (facebook, vkontakte); 

- Support and updating of the FAQ on the site;

- Interaction with game tester, documentation of identified problems / errors on the site. 

- Write responses to reviews in stores (Google Play, etc.) on behalf of the company. 

- Provide prompt and effective customer support to English/Russian speaking users of the game

- Interact directly with gamers via tech support tools, official game Facebook page and forum

- Stay up-to-date with game changes and updates to anticipate potential issues within the community or game support

- Establish and maintain effective working team relationships with all departments

Required Qualifications

- Readiness to always be in touch);

- Fluent English, Russian as advantage; 

- The skill of blind printing 

- The ability to communicate clearly, accessible and politely to people, regardless of their adequacy.