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Position Details
Reference No.
Trainer / Gymnastics
Up to 2304
Employment Type
Full Time
Available Positions
Posted On:
Contact Details
Ungravity Rock Wall Ltd
Contact Person
Andreas Theofanous
5, Eleftherias avenue, Anthoupoli
Job Description

Trainer / Gymnastics

The business:
Start-up company dealing with rock climbing activities. The company is opening a brand new indoor climbing gym in Nicosia very soon, in order to provide indoor and outdoor services related to this particular sport (leisure, exercising, training etc).
This is the first complete private climbing gym in the country (bouldering & lead wall), therefore, the people who will decide to work for the business, will have on one hand, a unique chance to succeed and probably build a career on a sport that is under vast progression globally, and on the other hand should be eager to work hard for the evolvement of the sport in Cyprus throughout our business operations.

The role:
The management seeks to hire a person who will mainly have to support kids classes as well as adults lessons too. The person doesn’t have to be experienced in climbing. The person will receive specific seminars by the Climbing Instructor of the company in order to get to know the sport (kinesiology, technique, terminology, general training etc). Moreover, the person will have to issue training programs for adults in association with the climbing instructor. Additionally, the person will possibly have to provide private classes wherever required.

Skills & requirements:
            - Gymnastics diploma
            - Experience with kids classes is essential
            - Experience with adults training is essential
            - Team player
            - Eager to create and run training programs from scratch
            - Interaction with customers and willing to serve
            - Experience with rock climbing is not required. Nevertheless, there should be interest in              the particular sport.

The benefits:
            - Full-time employment
            - Flexible working schedule
            - Positive environment (not typical gym)
            - Salary according to skills and including basic Social insurance coverage
            - Contract
            - Seasonal bonuses (annual) according to business performance
            - Long term employment concernment

For contact please send your resume to ungravityclimbing@gmail.com by end of October. All personal information will be kept confidential.